How to Find the Right Auto Insurance Policy for You and Your Family in Washington

In Lynnwood, WA and the surrounding areas, obtaining limited liability insurance is required by law before you are capable of operating a motor vehicle on the road. With a minimum of $25,000 coverage per person and $10,000 for property damage required in an insurance policy, it is important to compare and review your options before deciding. Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc. is available to facilitate the process of obtaining insurance and protecting both you and your vehicle anytime you drive. 

Consider Your Household Finances

Before selecting an auto insurance policy for your vehicle, consider your current expendable budget and financial standing. Obtaining multiple insurance quotes for your vehicle is also a way to determine the best method of getting the coverage you need that is also affordable for you and your family. 

Review Policy Terms and Benefits

Always be sure to review policy terms based on the type of auto insurance you are considering. Whether you are seeking limited liability insurance, collision coverage, or comprehensive coverage, inquire about your options and coverage limits with a professional insurance agent to help with making your decision. Ask about protecting yourself, your vehicle, and others who may be involved in an automobile accident with you before selecting an insurance policy that is ideal for your needs. For more information on each type of insurance coverage available, reach out to our agents to have all your questions answered.

To get an auto insurance quote for you or your family in Lynnwood, WA, get in touch with Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc. today. We can help guide you through the options and assist in determining the policies that are right for you.

Protecting Specific Valuables at Home

Most home insurance plans are designed for the general protection of a Lynnwood, WA home. That means the policy is primarily focused on the structure of the house. These types of policies will include terms that help provide some level of recovery and restoration of personal belongings in the home, but it tends to be limited to a set dollar amount for everything. That approach doesn’t quite work when a customer has a specific type of valuable in the home, such as artwork or a jewelry.

Instead, what a customer needs, in terms of specific protection, is known as a rider in the insurance industry. This is an added on coverage tied to the homeowners’ insurance plan that is specific to the high-value item that needs to be covered. It is based on a certified appraisal of the item and then provides specific financial coverage for the item itself versus any other belongings in the home. The rider does come with an added cost, but this is to offset the specific high-value item risk added to the general home protection. Every rider is specific and unique, the crafting of the language and policy has to usually be handled case by case.

To find out more about how a Washington home can benefit from a rider on its coverage, the folks at Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc in Lynnwood, WA can help with questions and provide more information. We are experts in crafting unique policy packages for customers from a variety of insurance provider sources and can match the right policy with the right need every time. Give us a call today to get the protection you need or stop by our office.

Boat Rental Insurance: How It Protects Your Business

In Lynnwood, WA, boat rental is a popular business choice. If you are a boat rental business owner, you need to understand how insurance can protect your property. In this way, you can avoid damage caused by those who rent your boats. We at Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc can help you sort through this intricate process.

How It Helps Your Business

Boat rental insurance is an essential item for anyone who owns a rental company. Boats provide a unique difficulty for many to understand, including problems that could occur while on the water, such as breakdowns and accidents. Good boat rental insurance will cover the issues that occur when somebody rents a boat from you.

What It Covers

Commercial boat rental insurance covers a variety of problems, including personal injuries suffered during an accident, medical payments, fuel spills, damage to the boat caused by environmental concerns, damage caused by accidents, and the trailer used to haul the boat.

All of these items are crucial to cover, as any of them could be seriously impacted. It will also help cover some lawsuit business costs and prevent you from losing too much money during a trying and difficult legal case.

The Costs Of Boating Insurance

Is boat rental insurance expensive to purchase? Typically, it is comparative to most types of commercial insurance. Naturally, the exact cost will vary depending on the company you choose. In some instances, blanket or umbrella policies may be available for all of your boats.

If you live in Lynnwood, WA and need boat rental insurance, please contact us at Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc. We will help you sort through your coverage options and find a policy that works for your unique needs. Please don’t hesitate to take this important step.

Where to Visit on the Washington Coast

There’s no coast in the world quite like the American Northwest, and with a solid policy from Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc, you’ll be ready for anything the trip has to offer as you venture out from Lynnwood, WA. Here are the places you must check out on your way up and down the Washington coast:

Hobuck Beach

At Hobuck beach you can find surprisingly affordable cabins and camping spots for the night. Hobuck Beach is home to the Makah Tribe, who have lived in the area for thousands of years. Hobuck Beach can be found behind Cape Flattery. Nothing like the typical beaches of Washington, Hobuck is a hidden paradise.


A planned village inspired by the cozy little towns of New England, Seabrook is one of the sandier beaches in the state. Not to say we don’t love the beautiful rocky beaches of Washington, but sometimes you want to do a little sunbathing or run along the coast without your shoes on. Seabrook is the place to do it, and if you have friends to bring, it should be all the more fun.

La Push

La Push is one of the best fishing beaches in Washington and offers some of the most breathtaking views in the country. A small Quileute Indian village near the Canadian border, La Push is a great place to catch some tuna near the end of the Summer.

The roads can be treacherous along the coast if you’re not careful, especially in the rainier months. Make sure you have your policy sorted with Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc before you head out from Lynnwood, WA, and you’ll be ready to explore the Northwestern coast without any worries.

Give our agents a call or drop by our office to talk with a professional about your auto insurance today. Also, try our online rating tool for quotes on your home and auto insurance.

Ways to Prep Your Home for Summer

The winter is over in Lynnwood, WA but that just means there are a few things you should do around the house. Spring is a time when everything comes back to life in the area but if you took the time to prep your home for winter, then there are a few things you need to do to get ready for summer. Use these tips from Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc. to get your home ready for Summer.

  • Get your HVAC checked– Now is the time to make sure that it is in working condition. You do not want to find out in the heat of summer that your air conditioning unit needs to be replaced or repaired. Go ahead and have a professional look at it now. 
  • De-winterize your home– If you winterized anything before the cold weather hit, be sure to take the time to get it de-winterized so that it works properly. 
  • Plant some flowers– if you have the space to plant things, now is the time to do it. In just a few weeks, your yard will be blooming and you will be amazed.
  • Do some spring cleaning– It is popular to do this kind of thing in the spring so take full advantage of the warmer weather and clean up a little bit inside your home. Consider donating clothes or cleaning out the garage. This can make room for new goodies you find over the Summer months.

If you do not already have a great home insurance policy set up, be sure to reach out to us at Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc., serving Lynnwood, WA, to get a quote. We also offer an online rating tool for those looking for quotes on their home insurance policies. There are many different policies available and we can work with you to find one within your budget.

How Safe Winter Driving Reduces Cost of Auto Insurance

Snow and ice can make driving conditions difficult for Lynnwood, WA drivers. If you’re not used to driving in harsh winter weather, you face greater risks of having an accident.  

Learning how to drive safely on ice and snow will help you maintain better control over your vehicle to avoid accidents. An updated auto insurance policy from Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc will ensure you have the protection you need for any eventuality on the road. 

Winter Driving Safety Tips

Driving safely is imperative to preventing accidents on icy roads. During winter, it’s best to drive slower than normal, use extra caution when passing and increase distances between vehicles.   

People should avoid using cruise control during winter as it could hinder you from reacting quickly when needing to avoid an accident.  

If you’re new to winter driving, it wouldn’t hurt to practice in a safe, open area to get a feel for handling your vehicle under these conditions before taking it out on a crowded highway. When inclement weather makes driving dangerous for you or others, stay home or catch a ride with a more experienced driver.

Vehicle Prep

Safe winter driving includes preparing your vehicle in advance for winter conditions. Putting winter tires on your vehicle gives you better traction when driving on slippery roads. This makes it easier for you to stay in control of your car. Winter tires improve driving performance to reduce the risk of accidents. Using winter tires could even qualify you for a discount on your auto insurance due to increasing safety on icy roads.

Safe driving habits can lead to fewer violations and accidents, which could reduce your auto insurance prices. For more information on auto insurance coverage and costs in Lynnwood, WA, contact us at Sound Choice Insurance Agency, Inc. 

3 Reasons to Switch Your Home Insurance Company Today

Your home insurance may be mandatory, but your home insurance company certainly is not. Although you may believe you have found the perfect company to suit your home insurance needs, you may be patronizing the wrong company. That said, the following is a closer look at three reasons for residents of Lynnwood, WA to switch your home insurance policy to a company like Sound Choice Insurance Agency Inc. today. 

New on the Block

With the massive influx of new insurance agencies, it can be difficult to tell if a company is reputable or an all-out scam. By switching to a tried and tested company such as Sound Choice, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that your insurance company has been in existence since 1982. Whereas many companies have come and gone by the end of the year, Sound Choice will be here for many years to come. 

Bad Customer Service

In addition to that, customer service is also a major component of one’s insurance coverage. Although it may seem minuscule, having a collection of highly qualified professionals with outstanding customer service to depend on can mean the difference between quickly moving on after an incident or watching your life fall to pieces. By switching to a company such as Sound Choice, quality customer service is guaranteed. 

Excess of Negative Reviews 

Lastly, reviews often hold a lot of truth. If your present insurance company has an abundance of negative reviews online, it may be time to switch to a company that doesn’t. 

Overall, purchasing quality home insurance in Lynnwood, WA can be a cinch! Simply call, visit, or email Sound Choice Insurance Agency Inc. today and find out how to begin your policy and save! 

Will Sea Air Damage Your Paintjob In Lynnwood WA?

Lynnwood, WA is not right on the beach, but it’s close enough that you may be wondering if the salty sea air can damage your Lynnwood, WA home. The answer is: Yes.

The most serious damage the sea can do to your home is if you’re right on the beach, getting splashed with ocean spray, getting your foundation soaked when the tide is high. However, the salty air can still do some major damage to your exterior and even your foundation up to about a hundred miles from the sea. This means that even if you live more inland, you can see your paint peeling and chipping thanks to the salt in the air.

It’s not so bad the further you get, but you will need to take some precautions. Protective finishes can help to protect the surface of your home, but nothing replaces regular cleaning. Maybe you’ve never lived somewhere where you had to scrub your exterior walls before, but if you see a fuzzy, salty buildup forming on the exterior of your home or on the foundation, you’ll want to get some soap and water and scrub it. When salt builds up that fuzzy surface, it can chew away at the wood and do some serious damage, digging itself in deeper and deeper. Salty air can also rust metal surfaces very quickly, which is why washing and waxing your car is so important in Washington.

Sound Choice Insurance Agency Inc. can help you to get some great discounts on your home, but no policy, from Sound Choice Insurance Agency Inc. or anyone else, can make up for a little tender love and care for your home.