How Commercial Insurance Benefits AgriTourism Businesses

Agritourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the Washington area and other parts of the Northwest. Although this may not be a conventional business, securing commercial insurance and protecting your property is still beneficial.

1. Public Liability Coverage

Agritourism often means welcoming visitors to your farm or ranch. Thus, it’s crucial to have an extensive liability policy in case an accident occurs on your property. This policy lets the insurance company cover expenses and protect your business assets. Lack of sufficient liability coverage, or absence of it entirely, can risk having your business assets seized to cover related costs.

2. Protect Employees

In an agribusiness, you’ll likely need to hire employees, even temporarily, during different seasons. As they could suffer injuries on the job, ensuring their safety with worker’s compensation coverage is important. Adding this to your commercial insurance policy will help cover any accident-related expenses, enabling your employees to return to work once they’ve recovered.

3. Business Interruption Coverage

Business interruption coverage can be life-saving when uncontrollable events impact your agritourism business. This coverage allows you to obtain financial assistance to meet essential expenses and payrolls until your business recovers. It can serve as a lifeline, keeping your business afloat during challenging times that bring significant income loss.

As an agritourism business, it’s worth understanding the many benefits of commercial insurance. The protection it provides extends to your business, employees, and customers visiting your property, ensuring a seamless experience for everyone. If you’re in the Lynnwood, WA, area and require more information on commercial insurance, feel free to contact our team at Sound Choice Insurance Agency Inc. today.